
29 June 2011

Wordles - Kicked Up a Notch

I just found the COOLEST site tonight - Tagxedo.  You've just got to check it out!  It's just like Wordle ... only better.  You can enter text from any site, blog, search, etc.  The site automatically turns it into a word cloud, but with Tagxedo, you can CHOOSE a shape!  You can even pick a picture or photograph from your computer to use.  How ridiculously cool is that?  It took me about 5 minutes to make this apple - I entered the URL from my blog for the text.  The site also includes a link to a google doc slideshow for 101 Ways to Use Tagxedo.  You could use Tagxedo to summarize books, create logos, create autobiographies with students' pictures (would be so fun for a back-to-school activity) ... the possibilities are endless!  If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play a little more with this site.  I'm sooooo excited!

How would you use Tagxedo in your class?


  1. The Tagxedo you made is the cutest one I've ever seen!! Wow!

    Magnificent Multiagers!

  2. I love Tagxedo. My first graders made wordles using Tagxedo this year. It was fun guessing whose wordle was whose when they were printed off and posted on our bulletin board.

    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  3. That is awesome! I MUST find a way to use this during the year...hmm, let the brainstorming begin!

    Blue Hen Teacher

  4. Fantastic website! The class love using wordle and this is a new wee twist!

  5. amazing!!! I can't wait to make one using my student's names for september

  6. Oh my goodness! My kids totally got into Wordles at the end of the year, but I love this site even more! I made my kids wordles as gifts at the end of the year, but having more options like this site has, would be so neat! Thanks for sharing!

  7. WOW! I already LOVE wordle and have blogged about (teacher) gift ideas using wordle in the past. Looks like I will have to do a new post about this site. Too cool! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource. Have a great holiday!

  9. Thanks, everyone! I thought this was the neatest thing I'd seen in a while. I can't wait to use it next year with the kids, and I hope you find it valuable, too!

  10. Thanks for sharing! I shared this with all my teacher friends on facebook!

    Have a great holiday weekend!


  11. Going to try this site out right now! Thanks!

  12. OMG this is super cool. I'm going to play around with it now!

  13. I just found your blog and I love it! I have gotten so many awesome ideas so thanks for sharing. I have been using the Tagxedo site all year. I use it with vocabulary mostly.We take the vocab words from the week and we choose synonyms, antonyms for that word. We do this for all of our words that week and we choose the shape that best fits our story where all of those vocab words came from. For example we might use the high heel shape and put all of the vocab words from the story Cinderella. But my students also use it to do adjectives of an object (then pick that shape to put the words in), they made a mothers day and earth day project using it and chose the heart and the earth shape, when we studies presidents they wrote facts about abraham lincoln and chose his face, I did one with the names of the kiddos in my class for the first day of school. When we are doing a brainstorm/word splash introducing weather we take those words and put it in a cloud/umbrella or lightning strike shape. So much fun my kids LOVE this...then I print one for each kiddo and they cut it out and glue into their notebook (since we both love notebooking).

  14. I am trying to use this and I feel really dumb, I have no clue how to enter my own text. I have the shape, but where do you enter the words. I want to put the vocab words for the week in a shape of a dog. I don't understand how to import from a website, I want to create my words.

    1. Under the "create" page on tagxedo, click on "load" in the left column. A page will pop-up giving you the option to paste a website url, or type (or paste) in your words underneath in the enter text box.
