
24 February 2012

Friday Art Feature - A Few Odds and Ends

It's been a bit since I've posted a Friday Art Feature.  I have a good reason for this, though.  We actually have a few different art projects going on right now.  My students are working through different assignments, and as they finish, I get them started on another one.  There is never a wasted moment in my class ;)

Everybody finished our two-point perspective art we were working on.  I posted about it in my last Friday Art Feature.  Anyhow, I got my bulletin board up with the first 12 pieces in.  Looks pretty good!

We're also working on our illustrations for the book we're working on.  We're writing our own Chronicles of Harris Burdick.  Can't wait to share the finished product with you - it's going to be FANTASTIC!!!  Here are a couple of the finished illustrations ... see, I told you - it's going to be FANTASTIC!

Lastly, my students who have already finished their story and illustration got to get started on our latest art project.  We only just started yesterday, but I hope to share these with your next week.  Here's a sneak peek ... (if you follow me on pinterest you may already have an idea of what we're doing ...)

Happy Friday!  It was supposed to be a short week with the holiday on Monday, but if you ask me, it was a LLLOOONNNGGG one ... TGIF!


  1. These look fabulous! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend and TGIF.


  2. These look fabulous! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend and TGIF.


  3. Better than "pretty good" my friend - you've got your kids doing sensational work! What an inspiration; thanks for sharing!!


    1. Thanks so much, Barbara! The classroom might as well be declared a disaster area right now with so many projects going on ... but we're having fun!

  4. Wow! I really need to work on my bulletin boards. These look great! Inspiring for sure.


    1. Thanks, Krystal! This is the first year I've had two bulletin boards dedicated to our art projects (I actually recovered two of my smaller blackboards). The paper I covered them with isn't holding up to well - I think I want to paint them, but I just haven't found the time yet.

  5. I love that project Jen!!! The BB looks amazing!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

    1. Thanks, Mor! Good luck at the Expo today ... you're going to inspire so many people ... less than one month until the Intermediate expo ;)

  6. I love the Harris Burdick re-write! Fabulous!!! I have done the "finish the story" thing with them but never had the kids actually create their own pictures for the book. Again, fabulous!

    Teaching in Room 6
