
01 May 2013

May Currently

YAY for MAY!!!  That means summer is coming ... right???  I'm looking for some confirmation here ... 'cause it certainly doesn't feel like it yet.

I'm linking up to Oh Boy in 4th Grade for another Currently post!  This will be short and sweet tonight because I.AM.EXHAUSTED.  This has been the longest week EVER!

Okay - listening to hockey ... sigh ... seriously - it's a game played on ICE.  Why is it still on in May???  (And yes, I know that writing this for everyone to see makes me a bad Canadian).  ;)

Loving that I get my Sunday mornings back ... at least for a few weeks.  My daughter's soccer practices are coming to an end for the season.  She's had practices every Saturday and Sunday morning at 8:00 am this year ... and I am NOT a morning person.  We should have at least 3 or 4 weeks before her summer season starts.

Thinking ... and this is a big one ... that I'm SUPER proud of myself for finally taking the plunge and starting Weight Watchers this week.  It will be one week on Friday ... and I haven't cheated once (and I've even exercised each day).  I don't think I'll be rocking a bikini by the summer, but hoping to feel a lot better soon.

Wanting - SUMMER!  Enough said.

Needing a new computer.  Can't seem to keep this one running ... and I've had the blue screen of death three times in the last week, but each time my computer has started again.  I would have bought one already, but I'm totally dreading copying everything over ... I don't even think I have the time to do it.

And lastly, loving the summer bucket list idea.  Only, we don't really have any fantabulous summer plans, yet.  Summer is still 8 weeks away for me.  So, thinking about it too much will just depress me.  I do know I can't WAIT to get started on some fun crafts with the girls, heading out the camp with the family, and spending every single moment LOVING LIFE!!!

YAY for MAY!


  1. I do WeightWatchers. I've lost about 25 pounds, although I've fallen off the wagon the past two weeks. I think I ate the wagon too. :)

    We have a long way until summer too, about 5 weeks. It can't get here soon enough!

    Amber :)
    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  2. So proud of you for joining Weight Watchers! Each day is one step closer to the healthy person you want to be. :) Keep at it, and lean on your friends and family for support!

  3. yay runde drink your water... water is the key!!! camp in style is what I want to do... I want to buy an old vintage trailer and shabby chic it out... I am sure my boys will love that!!!

  4. I've been wanting consistant weather. I'm in Texas and in true Texas form, the weather has a mind of its own. Hot for a few days and freezing the next few. I hope warm weather finds you soon!! GOOD luck on your weight watchers journey!! :)

    Surviving the Little People

  5. My listening was the same as yours - in fact the Vancouver/San Jose game is still on in our house!!! Congrats on starting Weight Watchers! Eight weeks till summer does seem long when other bloggers are counting down the days! Enjoy your Sunday sleep-in!

  6. Hi Dear Buddy:
    Wishing you happy thoughts on all of your summer bucket wishes. Congrats on the WW venture--and a new computer (soon). And HOORAY for a bit of extra sleep on Sunday mornings!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  7. Good Luck on weight watchers! I tried and tried for 20 years to lose weight. Finally two years ago something changed and I was able to stick to it! Don't know what changed...but it did and now I try really try hard to stay on track and not gain my 70 pounds back. You can do it!!!


  8. Good luck with weight watchers. I've always heard great things about it! I've got to get my running shoes back on. It's been so hectic lately! :)


  9. I'm all about family fun this summer. I think it's the only way to keep sane, with two little ones in my house.


  10. Camping in style? You must have a camper! Enjoy sleeping in.


  11. Heya, Jen! doing WW over here too. my biggest problem is remember to log my food. It's not that I don't count the points... it's that I know the amount of points for dinner is and I just don't go back in and type it in - then the comp yells at me for not eating enough!

    Summer is close! Come visit down here if you need a taste of it! I won't call you a bad Canadian!


  12. I did WW about 10 years ago. Once you start seeing results, there is no way back. Best of luck!
    My Second Sense

  13. Woo hoo...extra sleep! That's golden in my book :) I'm so proud of you with starting WW and not cheating once this week. Way to go! Exercise, too? have had a great week! I'm with you on the bucket huge plans right now (and still have several weeks left to even think about it), but loving life is definitely at the top of the list! Have a great Friday!

    Fun in Room 4B

  14. Weight watchers is in my future too. I've done it before sucessfully and it's a great program. I too was watching hockey last night.
    I think everyone all over the world is going through this crazy time right now. I can't wait for summer too. I'm glad I found your blog. It's stinkin' cute.

  15. I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by! Good luck with the WW! I know many people who have had success with the program...... you can do it!

  16. I loved reading your Currently! So fun! If you have time, I would love to have you drop by my blog, enter my latest giveaway, and join my latest linky. I am asking bloggers to share their favorite nonfiction author(s)/book(s).

    I'm also your newest follower!

  17. Yay for Weight Watchers. I have the app on my phone, does that count? Um, no. I'm totally off the wagon and our summer starts in about 15 days which means taking the kids to the pool, so, I better get back on the wagon, fast...but you know how stress at the end of the year translates to food and chocolate. Sigh.

    We love camping. We have a camper though. I'm assuming that's what you mean by in style? We have a camping trip scheduled to the beach this summer! I can't wait!!

    Have a great Friday!
    Collaboration Cuties

  18. I'm with you on hockey...I totally lost interest once we got kicked out of the running (Go Jets!), but hubs is still obsessed. I'm lucky we have two TVs. My computer advice is to do it before it totally goes. I had to replace mine last month and luckily it cooperated enough to transfer my files, but it was dicey.

    (I totally wrote a version of this comment yesterday but it got deleted before it posted, so I gave up til today)!

    Have a great weekend!

    Apples, Owls, and Peppermint Mochas

  19. Yay for Weight Watchers. I've been doing it for a little over a year and and have lost quite a bit. is a great website to find WW (yummy tasking) recipes.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  20. Yeah for you:) I've gotten back to running consistently again and am excited about that although it is super hot I just got a new laptop a few months ago...still getting used to it and am pretty sure I am not using half of the things I could be....I'm really needing my teens to help me Have a great weekend:)

    4th Grade Frolics
