
24 February 2013

Math Journal Sundays - Factors and Multiples

Factors, Multiples, prime and composite numbers, multiplication and division strategies ... this is my FAVOURITE math unit to teach!  I absolutely love it!  We've been VERY hard at work getting fluent with our multiplication facts for the past few months, so all students can experience success with this unit.

Factors and Multiples notebook entry
This week in our Interactive Math Journals, we made an entry that gave the definition for multiples, LCM, factors, GCF, and prime and composite numbers.  Under each flap, we gave the definition and a few examples.  Students will be able to refer back to this entry when doing work in this unit to keep the terms straight.

Factors and Multiples notebook entry

Factors and Multiples notebook entry

Math Journal Reflections
For the proof, I gave them a number (36).  I asked them to give three multiples, list the factors, and determine whether the number was prime or composite.  For the reflection, I used another question from my Math Reflection Fans.  I put the question under the document camera for the students to answer.  Next week I think I'm going to let a student pick and display the question for all to answer.

We also made math posters this week for LCM - I chose a few of the students' individual posters and put them together to make a larger poster.  I want to do this for all the concepts in this unit and post them around the room.
I also sent them home with some multiple and LCM cootie catchers so they can practice with a family member over the weekend.

For some other ideas for factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers, you can check out some of my posts from last year:

Graffiti Walls in Math Class - Great for review or test prep

Hope you're having a wonderful and relaxing Sunday!



  1. I am loving your math reflection fans, Jen! Those LCM posters look fantastic:) I always love stopping by and checking out how your students are reflecting about their learning. Hope you have a great Sunday :)

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I'm up to my eyeballs in laundry here, so I hope YOU'RE having a wonderful Sunday instead!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Your students are so lucky to have you! I sent you a message earlier, if you could please pm- it is regarding your interactive math journals. Thanks! Jen

    1. Hey Jen! I had emailed you back this morning, but in case it didn't go through, I just resent it. I think something's wonky with my email lately ... it seems to have selective sending. ;) Let me know if you didn't get the email.

    2. Nope, not there :(. I checked my junk mail too. You could try my other address Thanks! Jen

  3. I absolutely love this idea!!!! I will use this in my classroom next year. How can I get a copy of your ideas? I use interactive math journals but they are no where near this good. Please email me!

  4. Very cool Jen. I really like the posters you created by combining their work, think that'll make for a neat display to have their work almost become the anchor charts ;)

  5. Good Morning! I'm looking for bloggers to participate in a Canadian book blog hop. I hope you're interested.

  6. Hello Jennifer,

    I'm a 5th grade teacher in Maryland. I am currently in my Masters program obtaining my Masters in SPED. I have been doing my Action Research project on Math Interactive Notebooks. We've used a lot of your resources in our research. I'd like to use your name and names of resources we've purchased from you in our paper. Please contact me a the following email if this would be ok with you.

    Thank you,

    Amy Llewellyn
