The Queen of Measurement

18 January 2012

Today I got to wear my tiara.  Yes, I keep a tiara in my filing cabinet.  I even put it on once in a while ... you know, to remind myself I'm the Queen of my classroom.

Well, today I had a purpose for wearing my tiara.  Today, I was the Queen of Measurement.  We started our new measurement unit on Monday.  Monday I had them make Frayer models using "measurement" as the term to define.  I had the students working in groups of three to create the models, then we posted them and I had each group explain their model.  Tuesday, they were investigating linear measurement by choosing 10 items in the classroom to measure.  They then had to convert the measurements into mm, cm, dm, m, and km.

Today was the day to teach the metric staircase.  I was looking for new ideas online last night, and I found a fabulous lesson called "Make it Metric".  This lesson uses the mnemonic devide:  "King Henry Does Usually Drink Chocolate Milk" to help the students remember the metric prefixes.  So, I donned my tiara, and became Queen Henry (afterall, isn't it the queen who comes up with all the great ideas???).  We read a short story about King Henry (included on the site above).  We discussed the metric staircase, and students created their own copies in their math notebooks.  Tomorrow we will make a foldable of the staircase.  The students will also have a short quiz where they will label the staircase.  We will then move on to the other ideas included in the lesson ... and I'll get to wear my tiara again!!!  
Happy Wednesday!  

I'll leave you with a picture of my youngest and me after school.  She goes to daycare at my school.  When I picked her up at the end of the day (still wearing my tiara), she insisted that she needed one, too.  Thank goodness for the kindergarten teacher and her birthday crowns.  Problem solved!  


  1. Love this staircase idea! We also started a meausument unit when we came back from Christmas break, but we've been working on customary units first. We start metric next week. I didn't want to go back and forth between the different systems (metric & customary) so I just decided to do one at a time. How do you do teach both systems?

  2. ok....this is why I'm a primary teacher...I love math, but just looking at that makes me cringe (and I went through trig and calc in college)...even when I taught 5th grade 9 years ago - the math is so much more now!!
    and your girlie is soo cute!
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  3. Love this lesson! Thanks for sharing. Also love the pic of you and your little one. Too cute!

  4. Kim, we don't have to teach the customary units as part of our curriculum (lucky Canadians - we just have the one to learn). That being said, my students are VERY familiar with many of the customary units (we use inches and feet with all building supplies, and usually to measure our own heights, not to mention pounds for weight). So, we always start with a discussion of the two systems.

    Jen - lol - it's not so bad ... however, I must admit, I (re)learned A LOT my first year of teaching ... now it's a piece of cake (most days).

  5. Couldn't have come at a better time! I am teaching this tomorrow! Last year my kiddos really struggled with conversions!

  6. Thanks, Mim! It's the first time I've used this lesson for the staircase, but I think it's a keeper.

  7. April, glad the timing fits!!! My kids find conversions quite difficult, too.

  8. I teach a 5/6 multiage class as well. This is perfect and I will definitely borrow this idea when I begin my measurement unit. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Love this!! Every teacher needs a tiara!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  10. I am your newest follower and am now SERIOUSLY considering getting a tiara haha. That is too cute and I love the staircase idea.

    Follow my blog if you get the chance, I'd really appreciate it!

  11. My kids already joke that I am the queen. I now think that I must have a tiara too! LOL My 4/5 class will think I have really lost my marbles. Thank you for always being so creative and sharing your ideas! I love reading your blog and using your TPT stuff!

    Jen B, Niagara Falls

  12. Thanks, ladies.
    Welcome, Miss Russell - I'm on my way over to your blog.
    Jen, I think my class (and my principal) thought I lost my marbles, but when my class from last year saw me, they didn't bat an eyelash - they KNOW I'm the queen.

  13. I love this entire post! I had teaching measurement....probably because I don't have many tools to do it haha. I will be teaching it soon and I will be using some of your ideas! Thanks so much for sharing! I have a metric scavenger hunt I used that I will hopefully be posting this week!
    To The Square Inch

  14. What a great lesson Jen!!! Def. tiara deserving!!! I love everything about this lesson! You've been Pinned! {for the day I teach Math again :) }

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  15. LOL! I can totally see your former students not batting an eyelash with you in a tiara. :-) You're making me anxious for our measurement's later in the spring for us. (And you and your daughter are super adorable in that last pic!)

  16. HI there! I LOVE your problem solving posters for Math. I looked for them on Teachers Pay Teachers. Did I miss them? I'd love to buy a copy of them!


  17. Denise,
    The posters are a freebie on my TPT store - comes with a graphic organizer, as well. Here's the link:


  18. Your title of queen reminded me of the story I use to help my students remember Gallon/Quarts/Pints/Cups. In the land of Gallon (draw a giant G on the board) lived 4 queens(draw 4 Q's inside the G). Each queen had a prince and princess (draw 2 P's inside each Q. Each prince and princess had two children (draw 2 C's inside each P), twins each eight years old (Write 8oz inside the C's)

  19. We just built these today and the kids enjoyed the craft. We'll begin using tomorrow and see how well they "get it"! lol Thank you for sharing this resource. With my self contained program, these hands-on ideas are such a help to my kids.

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